
The need for Pride in the Upper Cumberland is as strong as ever. A huge amount of progress has been made for the LGBTQIA+ community, but the reality is our struggle is far from over.

Members of the gay community can still face so many challenges and stigmas, from public displays of affection, coming out to their friends, colleagues, and family, or even just being able to be true to who they are and feel safe 100% of the time.

That’s why the Upper Cumberland Pride Festival is free for anyone to attend and why we’re committed to making Pride the platform for all voices and the entire LGBTQIA+ community. However, we can’t do it without YOUR SUPPORT.

So, whether you come to the Pride festival to celebrate, demonstrate, or simply have fun, it’s only free thanks to the generosity of our community partners and from the kindness of donations from those who stand with and for us.


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