Upper Cumberland Pride requests the cooperation of all festival attendees/participants with the following Festival Code of Conduct for UC Pride 2023.

The Upper Cumberland Pride festival is a welcoming event; having both time and space to come together with friends, family, and loved ones to celebrate the progress of the LGBTQ+ community.

Our code of conduct is designed to ensure that the festival is a safe and accepting space for every participant/attendee and that everyone is treated with kindness, courtesy, and respect.

  1. Upper Cumberland Pride is a celebration recognizing the past and current struggles along with future possibilities of the LGBTQ+ community. All participants and those present in and at the festival are encouraged to embrace and respect this goal.
  2. Upper Cumberland Pride is a safe space and we ask those in attendance and as festival participants in any and all capacity to not be threatening, violent, harassing, or offensive with behavior against participants, volunteers, staff, and attendees.
  3. Upper Cumberland Pride celebrates diversity and we do not condone and actively dismiss anyone making derogatory remarks about a person’s age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, size, wardrobe, physical ability, economic status, religion, and/or presence at the UC Pride festival.
  4. Upper Cumberland Pride asks for all the participants in attendance either in favor or against the event to reflect and ask themselves; if their words and actions towards others present are what they would want said or done to them? We ask all of those present participants to be respectful of all no matter their differences.

*The above Code of Conduct is revised in part from the Nashville Pride Code of Conduct.

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