
Isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think? (Feb 27)


Tennessee Equality Project – Campaigns for the week of February 20th 2023  (Feb 17)


Anti-LGBTQ protesters set their sights on 18+ drag shows in Tennessee (Jan 23)

Anti-LGBTQ protesters set their sights on 18+ drag shows in Tennessee

Nazi flag seen at protest against Cookeville drag brunch (Jan 23)


City not named in lawsuits regarding drag shows (Jan 21),77761


Group demands that city prohibit drag shows (Jan 21),77580


Community members organize to speak against anti-LGBTQ legislation (Jan 21),77740


National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin (Dec 5)

As we all know, the LGBT community has been under attack even more in the last year. It has come to the point that Homeland Security has issued a domestic Terror warning for the LGBTQIA+ community. We know that everyone is scared and worried. We stand with you all during this time and will continue to be visible and active in support of our community. The only way to show that we are here to stay is to stand up and have our voices heard. Please join us in support your community and keep our safe places, safe. Don’t be silent! Don’t let them put you back in the closet!


Lambda Drag-o-ween has been moved to Hix Farm Brewery due to cancellation at Tennessee Tech University (Oct 26)

“I am shocked and dismayed“ that was the beginning of the post that Phil Oldham made on September 8th of this year when he cancelled the drag shows happening at the back door playhouse. Shows that have still not been able to resume due to “investigations”. He later informed the student organizations at another meeting that they “had not violated any policies while hosting these events and are not under investigation” We are just as shocked, and dismayed to learn that he has also canceled the Drag-o-ween show, that Lambda has put on now for years, due to “ being of the same nature of events on pause”. However, in his hypocrisy, on November 2 at 6PM he is allowing a homecoming event where fraternities are to do just the same as the event he cancelled. They seem to be calling it a “homecoming lip sync” event. Oldham has canceled shows for student organizations that have done this for years in favor of opening the door for what is essentially trans mockery. It is disturbing for us to know that actual drag performers who show respect for their craft and their fellow LGBTQIA+ community are unwelcome however others who may not have any prior knowledge of the history and meaning behind these performances are welcomed with open arms. This is a clear attack on the LGBTQ community at the colleges. Stand-up use your voice and let us be heard!! We will not stand for this nor any type of discrimination! The following is contact information for those who wish to voice their concerns.

Phil Oldham: #: (931) 372-3241, Office: DRBY 206
Dr. Pojo: #: (931) 372-341, Office: RUC 221
Susan Henry: #: (931) 372-3123, Office: RUC 214
Dr. Stubbs: #: (931) 372-3924, Office: RUC 214


Faculty Senate Passes Resolution Supporting Free Speech (Sept 27)


Student organizations respond to viral Tennessee Tech drag show video (Sept 26)


Drag show statement – Please sign!

We are disturbed and dismayed by president Oldham’s statement on the drag show that was recently hosted by two student groups on campus.

President Oldham refers to the performances in this drag show as obscene. The boundaries of what is considered obscene are notoriously broad and unclear, as demonstrated by many landmark cases in the supreme court that have dealt with matters of obscenity. Statements that place our students, especially queer students, into this category of the obscene matter to their well-being on our campus, and our university has a history of failing to protect the well-being of our queer students.

Drag shows as we know them emerged in response to policing of queer bodies, which occurred socially through harassment and physical violence and was supported by anti-cross-dressing laws that criminalized non-traditional gender expression. This violence was done under the same claims of obscenity. The performance of drag became an outlet to subvert the power and violence being exerted on them, and the “disparaging mockery” of Christianity—as president Oldham refers to it—is a part of the same subversion of power dynamics, since Christianity plays such a large role of the normative culture at the source of this violence.

By casting our students as obscene, president Oldham is inviting harassment and violence toward them from their peers, and continuing a long history of ostracizing members of our community for falling outside cultural norms. The safety of our students, and providing them a safe environment for learning, should be the most important of our values as educators. Whether or not these students otherwise represent our campus values should not jeopardize their safety, which our president is doing in very subtle ways with his statement. We call on all faculty, students, staff, and community members to speak out in support of our queer students. You can add your signature to this letter by filling out this form 


Tech student organizations receive faculty support amid controversy

Tennessee Tech’s Faculty Senate passed a resolution Monday requesting that university president Phil Oldham reaffirm Tennessee Tech’s policy on freedom of speech and expression. Click here to read full article.


Monkeypox – Jynneos Vaccine

As of August 12th, the Tennessee Department of Health is offering JYNNEOS vaccine to:

Individuals with a known contact/exposure to MPX identified through public health interviews during the prior 14 days.

Individuals who might have been exposed to MPX in the past 14 days, including if they:

  • Are aware that a sexual partner was diagnosed with MPX in the past 14 days.
  • Have had multiple sexual partners in the past 14 days.
  • Gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men (MSM), and/or transgender, gender nonconforming or gender non-binary  individuals who report any of the following in the last 90 days (pre-exposure prophylaxis / PrEP):
  • Having multiple sex partners or anonymous sex.
  • Being diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or HIV
  • Living with HIV
  • Receiving medications to prevent the HIV infection (HIV PrEP)

The vaccine requires 2 doses, 28 days apart from one another. People who are vaccinated against MPX should continue to protect themselves against infection by avoiding close, skin-to-skin contact with someone who has MPX.

The Putnam County Health Department will be offering Monkeypox vaccine to individuals who meeting the above criteria on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at the Temptation Bar fro 7-9pm.


We need your help!

We at Upper Cumberland Pride, would appreciate if everyone could take a moment to send two emails to Tennessee Tech University in favor of Lambda, the Tech Players and upholding their own mission statement and guidelines pertaining to the student code of conduct. By removing the drag shows from campus, they are removing something important to the LGBTQIA+ community.


Important Announcement from Upper Cumberland Pride

First and foremost Upper Cumberland Pride wants to thank Lambda GSA, The Backdoor Playhouse, The Tech Players, members of the community for their continued support during the events that have transpired over the last 24 hours.

We at Upper Cumberland Pride are disheartened and dismayed by the recent misrepresentation of our event held at Tennessee Tech University.

The accusations made on social media are not only false but damaging to all those involved. Our hope is to resolve this misunderstanding with the university and continue to educate the community about our organization and the LGBTQIA+ community.

The performer in question never presented themselves as a member of the clergy and did not speak against any religion, including Christianity. The performer also had multiple layers of clothing on, and was covered from neck to toe in fabric, even after the costume change.

At any of our family friendly events, no children are ever put in any sexual situation, nor would we ever consider that an acceptable thing to do.
When we hold all ages events, performers are asked to ensure that song lyrics are clean and that there is no sexual connotation to their performances. We want everyone in attendance to feel safe, welcome, and to have a good time.

While the statement from the TTU President Phil Oldham is disheartening, UCP stands behind the performers and their performances at The Back Door Playhouse.

Upper Cumberland Pride continues to stand willing and ready to offer support to any TTU Student who been affected by this recent event.

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